Studying the Status of Media in the Process of Education and Training of Individuals

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Abdolreza Alishahi, Maedeh Ghaffarinejad, Saeed Mahmoudi

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Published: 18 January 2019 | Article Type :


Written media such as books, magazines, and newspapers came into being after the invention of the printing industry and the line of footprint, and over time, their scope has increased. These media first appeared in the world of Islam more and more qualitatively, but unfortunately over time, their quality has diminished, but the same media in the Western world and Europe have a scientific richness derived from authentic books in Islam. With the advent of science and technology, the media has also expanded and enjoyed high quality. After the media, over the past two centuries, new media such as phones, tape recorders, gramophones and some other educational media have come up with slideshows. After the media, media such as television and radio And cinema was originally created in the Western world and Europe, which has been around for nearly a century around the world as the most important media and the most important media in education. Science and industry are still progressing alongside It has created important achievements in the emergence of some other media, which can be the emergence of the Internet and satellite and computer and gaming This is a very important application of today's trend.

Keywords: Education, Media, Education, Development, Communication Technology. 

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Abdolreza Alishahi, Maedeh Ghaffarinejad, Saeed Mahmoudi. (2019-01-18). "Studying the Status of Media in the Process of Education and Training of Individuals." *Volume 1*, 1, 8-16